Some people may think that hardwood floors refinishing and hardwood floors resurfacing is just the same thing. But it's actually not. Resurfacing is a much faster and simpler procedure than refinishing depends on the condition your hardwood floors is in. Resurfacing is perfect for the hardwood floor that requires just a necessary touch up to eliminate the scratches on the top coat finishes. If your hardwood floor has been proficiently sanded and taken care of in the preceding years, it should still be in attractive good form. This would also let you to need recoating for at least every after year. By doing so, you will furnish it that extra protection it needs to keep on looking good for many more years to come. Recoating is best when the floor itself is still fine. The finishing on top of the floor keeps it but it does have a tendency to start wearing away through use over time. It only means you will eventually need to resurfaced in order to keep it looking superior. Refinishing is perfect for a hardwood floor that really involves some tender loving care. Not all floors have been cautiously treated and confined over the time although. Like for example, you have moved into an old house and you begin to renovate it. You tear up the carpets downstairs and find out that there is an old hardwood floor beneath. It could even be the original floorboards. You have decided to bring back these floorboards and have them on show to really enhance the appearance and feel of the house.
In this situation, recoating is obviously not necessary because it surely won't do the trick. This hardwood floor could have been covered by a carpet for a long time and it needs refinishing before you can show it off to your neighbors.
